As we all know that Healthy matters,lets follow the readings for longevity of our lives now and then for sustainable healthy affairs

Friday, February 1, 2019


SYMPTOMS—A variety of symptoms could be involved: continual tension and stress, anxiety, depression, loss of interest, no zest for life, inability to cope with everyday problems, mental and physical fatigue, loss of confidence, fear of failure, panic attacks, a sense of hopelessness, mood swings, muscle spasms, sensitivity to noise, negative attitudes, and constant worrying.
CAUSES—Emotional stress depletes the nervous system, weakens emotional stability, and fatigues the body. Such stress weakens the functions of the body organs (such as the stomach and liver). This in turn results in malnourishment and a release of toxins into the system. Primary causes would include constipation, autointoxication, nutritional deficiencies, a negative outlook on people and circumstances, and negative input from other people.

• Learn to relax, as well as exercise out-of-doors. Do everything with an attitude of thankfulness toward and trust in God, believing that He will work everything out for the best.
• Eat high fiber foods, fruits, vegetables, juices, sprouts, grains, nuts, seeds, and beans. Vitamins A, D, C, and E are important. Take a multivitamin tablet twice a day. Make sure you are getting enough calcium, magnesium and potassium.
ENCOURAGEMENT—Learn all you can about the laws of health, and obey those laws. Nothing is apparently more helpless, yet really more invincible, than the soul that feels its nothingness and relies wholly on Jesus for help. God can help you.

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